Monday, September 12

lakewood summer arts faire

lilies 1
Originally uploaded by megalitz.
well, one down, and hopefully many many more to go. this weekend i was in the lakewood summer arts faire. it was a really great experience. i met a ton of really wonderful, cool people and sold some pieces! i also got a lot of potential commission work, which is really awesome. id consider it a success if atleast 25% of those commissions go through. (sometimes people are a lot of talk). thanks to my wonderful boyfriend tomas and to all of those who have helped me along the way, i couldnt do it without you! thanks to all of you who came out to the show and of course to those who bought pieces! anyways, i am looking forward to more shows in the future, but right now, its on to other things. i have one week of work left and then its off to a tropical vacation in the carribbean! adios folks, im going on a cruise! im so excited, i cant wait! im already packed! i got home from the show last night and packed. ; ) CCD: 6! CHEERS!


Blogger Jess said...

omg you're already packed! you're so funny. i'm pumped too. i'm gonna pack thurs night. i got a busy week ahead since i'll be gone next week. good work on the show hon. i'm so proud. I love this print to! How much do you usually sell them for and do you have discounts for friends ;) bc I want a print of this. It would go great with my room decour. Oh and your watercolor of the flower-happiness is hanging in my room and i've gotten a lot of compliments on it. Alli is in town on work and she says hi and says it looks great too. Can't wait to see you. ONly 5 more days. yipee!

11:54 AM  
Blogger Melissa said...

awesome! im glad you're getting compliments on my art. : ) yes, i give a family and friends discount! silly goober! what size do you want it? drop me an email and let me know what size you want the image, frame, etc, if you want it framed or unframed, you know. cheers! almost cruise time baby! thank god!

1:01 PM  
Blogger Amy said...

Congrats on your show. This whole art thing is really taking off you. Glad to hear it. Your photos and canvas pieces are awesome! Keep it up :)

6:52 PM  

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