Wednesday, May 11

nike ad deep ellum

nike ad deep ellum
Originally uploaded by megalitz.
good morning all, hope everyone is having a fabulous day so far. i am very very tired right now, and just waiting for my chai tea's caffeine to kick in. i pray that today is better than the week has proved to be so far. good news is...countdown to the oasis concert has officially begun! june 20th in chicago, baby! anyways, this is a nike ad, and this photo was shot right here in deep ellum! (dallas, texas). how cool is that?!


Blogger Jess said...

lis, this is obviously me being a very bad friend and forgetful bc i have proabably talked to you about this at least 10 times by now but that means you'll be here 16-20 right? I have offically marked it in my planner so now there is no way I could possibly forget! I can't wait to see you!

11:18 AM  
Blogger Melissa said...

you are not a bad friend quit talkin' crazy girl : ) i will be home 17-21 of june. flight gets into chicago late on friday the 17th, then i fly out tuesday evening, the 21st. and did i mention im going to see oasis monday night?! i'll be in the 'burbs saturday-tuesday, helping my daddy paint the house and stuff, so you are more than welcome to come help out! id love it if you did! muah!

10:07 AM  
Blogger Melissa said...

go to the north america site and then click on the "dont mess with texas" sign. : ) its pretty bad ass.

6:07 PM  

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