Thursday, March 3


its funny how people grow at different rates. im not talking about how tall you are by the time you're fifteen, im talking about how the people you grew up with, how you're all about the same age literally, but are at such different points in your life. maybe its because thats what a real, structured, full time, salaried, 9-5(ish) job does to you. it settles you down. if i was in the same place i was a year ago, i would be planning trips overseas, figuring out where i was moving to next, etc. im ready for this different phase of my life. im ready to become more responsible, start planning my future, etc. im just really 'okay' with being more settled. i dont need to go buy a house and a dog and get married or anything. but i do like where i am right now. sometimes its hard, depending on who you are around, lots of my friends aren't at this point, and some are past me. but thats okay. i'm happy. im doin' my thing. ; ) and my whole view on life may change in a few months. i could be sitting here saying im too young for this, yada yada, i need more freedom or something. but such is life, that is me. i guess we'll just wait and see! cheers!


Blogger Jess said...

"Life is a journey not a destination"

If you focus too much on what you have planned for the future you will miss out on everything that is happening now and by the time you get to that point in the future who's to say you'll even want the same things.

3:35 PM  
Blogger 1308 Rose Bower Ave said...

i couldnt agree more, i already took step one and bought the house. but i'm happy where i am in my life, never thought i'd say that so soon.

3:45 PM  
Blogger JessPatterson said...

Everyone is at different stages in their lives and that is what makes our friendships so interesting.
Some people can't even imagining buying a house or getting married at 24, but for me it feels just right!
No dog for me yet Mis, but maybe down the road.

4:57 PM  

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