Wednesday, January 26


Originally uploaded by megalitz.
i am so busy lately! but that is a good thing. i am a happy, busy girl. lots of travels ahead, hopefully!


Blogger Jess said...

awww its perty! Will you scan it and send me a high res of it. I wanna print it out and hang it up. Your watercolors are always awesome!

12:12 PM  
Blogger Melissa said...

fer sure jess!

9:18 AM  
Blogger shellie said...

hey school starts for me tomorrow and i bet everyone is gonna be seeing alot less of "online shellie" because i am gonna be busy as shit but i will be sadly missing our time together. haha. i called u but duh, you are at work, my bad. i hope you have an amazing day! love, me.

9:18 AM  

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