Tuesday, June 28

Fun with Jess and Shells

Originally uploaded by megalitz.
Well my girls left yesterday, and I must say when I was heading back to the office after we all went to lunch I was seriously sad. : ( I miss them very much and it was so great to have them around. Now you guys must move here! I know you love Dallas so let me know when your move-in date is and I'll help you move! You guys are wonderful friends and thanks for coming to visit me! And I found a wonderful note in my eggs this morning. : ) You guys are so cute! Have a great day, and I'll post pics of this weekend as soon as I get them developed, assuming I don't leave them on any airplanes!

image: yellow flower. click for more information.


Blogger Jess said...

damn i really miss ya. i wanna move to texas so i can hang out with you all the time and we could do lunch. :)

11:07 AM  
Blogger Kelley said...

those are pretty! so when are u gonna start selling your stuff. i checked out your website :-)

3:45 PM  
Blogger Melissa said...

hehe, the website with the intro page?! i know i have to get that site up, its in the works..so much to do! so little time! but its a higher priority now! ; )

9:25 AM  

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