Thursday, August 25

thursday, august 25th

Originally uploaded by megalitz.
these are all the countries where my website has been viewed so far. how cool is that?!


Blogger Melissa said...

HOLY SHIT. CCD=24 DAYS. i am counting too many different things in my calendar and i got the days mixed up. hehe. wow! 24 days, oh my god!

3:33 PM  
Blogger Jess said...'re going to Hawaii.....yeah...

love that line!

4:04 PM  
Blogger Kelley said...

thats great about your website! way cool!!! Hawaii sounds fun!!! whats wrong with your arm?

8:05 AM  
Blogger 1308 Rose Bower Ave said...


8:29 AM  
Blogger Melissa said...

some dirty girl scratched it wide open with her claws tuesday night. by scratched i mean it looks as if my arm went through a cheese grater. it hurts like hell, but its looking better today. gross though. blagh.

8:59 AM  
Blogger JessPatterson said...

You Lucky, Hawaii is Awesome. Where are you guys going? Oh my, make sure you don't have an infection with some dirt ball girl disease.

11:57 AM  
Blogger Melissa said...

yes i love hawaii, it is so beautiful! we are going to oahu. yeah i think my arm is going to be okay now. i had to perform minor surgery last night, but it went well. : )

12:12 PM  
Blogger JessPatterson said...

Oahu is where I went. Loved it!!

1:52 PM  
Blogger Melissa said...

awesome! i cant wait, the last time i was there i was like 8. i remember walking on this volcano that they thought was not active anymore. then we got off the plane, went home to watch the news, and the same volcano we were on had erupted! we went to a bunch of islands that time, this time we're stickin to oahu. : ) did you do anything exciting while you were there? fill me in on all the hotspots!!!

2:36 PM  
Blogger JessPatterson said...

When I was there I went up to the North shore and did this swimming with the sharks. It was awesome. It is snorkeling inside a cage and they drop you 3 miles off the shore and they feed the sharks so they are swimming around you. sounds a lot scarier than it is, but it is a rush. Let me know if you are interested and I'll email you some pictures.

7:10 AM  
Blogger Melissa said...

oh yeah, def email me some photos! sanks girl!

3:51 PM  
Blogger David Stehle said...

Yeah isn't it weird to see that people from all over the world visit your blog? It blows me away.

5:25 PM  

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