Monday, January 2

happy new year

Originally uploaded by megalitz.
sunset taken by me in hawaii, 12/05


Blogger Kelley said...

glad u are back safely and enjoyed your trip! cant wait to see the pics! Happy New Year! Hope tom is feeling better!!! Have a good daY!

8:40 AM  
Blogger 1308 Rose Bower Ave said...

good to hear you had a nice holiday. less than 2 more weeks and i will be on a much needed vacation! ps. i updated my blog.

10:01 AM  
Blogger Melissa said...

yes, the vacation was great. much better than the cruise. ive been quite spoiled with my vacations lately! oh my gosh melinda, you DID update! wow, im so impressed! where are you going on vaca to? is adam going with you?

11:39 AM  
Blogger Jess said...

omg it looks beautiful. i wanna go. maybe for the trip next year. i don't think i want to do a cruise again. i've had fun both times i've went but for the amount of money i spent i could've done a hell of a lot more. you look adorable by the way. glad you got to see the fam.

12:43 PM  
Blogger 1308 Rose Bower Ave said...

yeah we are going on a southern caribbean cruise. sorry all you cruise haters. jk. and yes adam is going too.

2:37 PM  
Blogger Melissa said...

awesome! cool on the trip melinda, that will be bad ass. im with large though, no more cruises for me for a long time. im just not sure i like them. i think i would like them but i have to get over the drama that happened to ruin my cruise last time. ick.

4:01 PM  

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