Thursday, December 1

'tis the season...

Originally uploaded by megalitz.
23 days til im in hawaii, just so you all know. happy holidays!


Blogger Heather Enos, Ed.S., NCSP, BCBA said...

is that your newest xmas card? i love it sooooo cute! call soon.. sorry i've been bad about it lately. looks like we are going to have to push the dallas trip into feb. or march.. i'll get out there sooner or later. tell thomas i said hello.. he has been mia for wayyy tooooo long!

2:25 PM  
Blogger Melissa said...

thanks girl! i will call you soon, ive been bad too. i lost my phone for a day, and now i have a "loaner" phone til i get the new razr that comes out dec 12. when is your surgery date again? thats okay that we have to push the trip back a little bit, the longer we wait, the warmer it will be here! heck, in march it should be fairly warm already! i will tell thomas you said hello! : ) take care darlin'

9:05 AM  
Blogger David Stehle said...

Lucky you, going to Hawaii. I might attach myself underneath the plane to escape off to paradise island myself. ;)

5:24 PM  
Blogger shellie said...

hey heath! hey liss!

hawii??? i want to come too!!

9:42 AM  

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