Wednesday, April 5

"Happiness" poem

Originally uploaded by megalitz.
The little yellow flower

so cute and full of life

nature's way of presenting

the season upon us.

The backdrop

so bold and tense

a feeling of freshness

fills the air.

The moment

quite captivating

as she stands vividly

somewhere in the open space.

She represents

among other things

the one element

we cannot live without.

Valentine Aguilar, Jr.


Ms Melissa, I dedicate this writing to the painting you are displaying at Starbucks on Forest Lane. Beautiful. I have not titled it, I leave that for you.

A poster version of this flower would make a sleepy wall come alive. Food for though.

Wonderful work, I love watercolor art.


I got this email today from someone I've never met before. The fact that they took time out of their day to sit and write this poem, contact me, that this art struck them to the point of them actually creating such words, is one of the highest compliments of all. I am flattered and honored.


Blogger shellie said...

dude! that is amazing! i love that. its so elegant!!!

11:27 AM  

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